Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Loose Seal!!

Slowly getting over the pain of losing all my music, and not being in the U.S. for the best holiday ever: Halloween....
Here are some pictures:

Pontal do Sul: the not-always-
so-sunny beach town. On our first trip here (as a group) we did beach walks for stranded animals (but only found dead ones), wildlife rehabilitation, and beach sampling for benthic organisms.

(Above) a. The monotone beach, sky, and water appear to stretch on endlessly with a twilight zone feeling of hopelessness. b. The carcass of a Frigatebird is tossed about in the shallow waves. c. A sea lion has already been picked clean, with some blubbery flesh remaining.

Lucy: always the first one to get her hands on the dead things.... Also a ruined fishing
net with barnacles.

Animal wildlife rehabilitation includes feeding the Brown Boobies and the greedy Penguins!

Blind Sea Lion with a taste for Mammal blood....

Beach Sampling: taking sand samples to bring back to the lab.
Lucy, again showing her expertise with field equipment, is calculating
the beach incline.

This dog was named Chang-li.
So Cute.

We finished out our week in Pontal with a bang of course:
Biking, motorcycles, swimming, futebol and caiparinhas all on the beach.

So ended our group experience in Pontal.
But for myself, Lucy and Courtney, we get to call this beautiful place home- thank God the sun decided to shine for us!


  1. ali! i just read a bunch of your posts... they make me so happy! i'm so glad you are able to have this experience! get the most out of it and never look back.
    i miss you!

  2. Oi Ale é o Rapha estou em pontal qual seu número? Beijos
