What was in both of our hearts however, was a very different time and people. In July of 1981 was probably the most famous of all weddings and princes, that of Princess Diana and Prince Charles: with enormous dresses, fanfare, parades and cheering throngs. However, in the same month was a very different fairy tale wedding.
In a small, outdoor wedding, with a guest list of only 50 people, in a light lace wedding gown and flowers in her hair, a young 18-year old Brazilian girl became a princess. There were no crowds or flags, nor long processions or great ceremony (save for the Catholic priest and communion), but in spite of it all, it was every bit as romantic and joyful as the wedding across the seas. Friends and family gathered around in the late afternoon sunshine, enjoying the warm scented wind and the flowered trees. My grandfather kissing her goodbye at the alter. Children restlessly playing on my dad's lap. Dom Pedro Gastão and Dona Esperanza looking onto their son and daughter-in-law in regal happiness. The priest blessing them. My grandmother holding back tears. Looking past her young face, these old photos portray a graceful dignity. My uncle looking at her with deep love and even protection as he held her hand in their vows.
Now I am living in her old room, the same place where she grew up. I think about how naive and excited she must have felt before her wedding, laying and staring up at the ceiling I see now. Suddenly in one day she went from girl to woman and mother, adopting her new husband's first son.
Years later, she would battle disease with the same beautiful and quiet dignity. Her courage and faith drive me every day. I am reminded that I live but a breath of time in the history of the world. And every day is but a wink in time. What can I do to prove this day?
I do not mean to hurt people, but I often do. Sometimes I feel so weighted by this I can't seem to move. As a human, this is my fate. But as a daughter of God, I am always promised grace. Even in the darkest and final hour, my aunt gave her thanks to God. I can only wish to be as brave as she.

D. Pedro Carlos de Orléans e Bragança e Patrícia Ana Maria Alexandra Paula Elisabeth Branscombe
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